👭 Call the Other Me (#8 Consentful Interface)
Purpose & Usage:
Under the context where everyone is locked down at home due to the pandemic, the chance
for people to hang out with friends or date is limited to the worst degree.So the camera
captures a mirrored image of the user, which can be a medium for people to see the other "self" and
interact with it. It's meant to ease loneliness.
The buttons are to control whether 1 single figure or the
mirrored figures that the capture will be shooting. No data will be recorded and
no extension will be installed into the user's computer for using this camera.
Design Process:
Since gaining access to user's webcam is sensitive. There's an annoucement on the mainpage shown once the
camera is turned on. User can control whether their images are captured or which filter they wanna use by clicking the buttons.
Instruction Flowchart:
p5js code
The way Draw function works is executing the program over and over again. To make the program captures the moving image instead of a still one, make the button.mousePress() control the boolean value of whether showing the image or not, instead of merely put the camera's function inside. Otherwise, it captures one single frame and draw repetitively, and what's shown on the screen will be a still image.