Anti-Surveillance Flirt💊


Try moving the cursor around, until you see something fun. 💋

The whole situation we're being in right now is unpleasant enough. The miserable feeling is increasingly strong and the repressive rules and news seem unprecendentedly unbearable. As a result, I'm just not in the mood to think about serious "world problems" for even one more second.

People eager to take a break and have some fun to relax, just like me.

Visual Strategy:
Hiding an extremely rebellious and flirty message, behind a prison-like background(drawn by grids). The hidden image showing the message toned in black and red color, indicating the collective irritated emotion and eagerness for relief.

p5js Code



1. Carefully counting brackets especially when having a lot of if statements, loops and nested loops. Otherwise it will be troublesome to debug when it's not working.
2. If your brain is really not in the mood to think about serious problems, do something else and take a break. Forcing it to work you'll lose both the right answer and chance to have a good mood for the day.
3. When doing patterns in p5js using loops and nested loops, sometimes the best option is keep on experiencing. Try all possible operations (+,-,*,/,^...) until you find the one working best.